

InRIS Parus is a long short equity fund that employs a stock-picking methodology supported by fundamental analysis and the use of primary data.
The fund’s management is delegated to Parus Finance.

Share Class


Cumulative Performance (%)

Fund Inception 23 July 2013

Daily Monthly Ytd 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr Incept. Incept.Date

The performance data shown represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. The investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

Strategy & Manager

Fund Strategy

The Strategy seeks to generate absolute returns by targeting growth stocks with a competitive advantage on the long side and structurally declining companies on the short side. Alongside these investments, the team also takes positions in companies with cyclical, mean-reverting characteristics. Stocks included in the portfolio are the result of a bottom-up selection process, hence the variable net exposure of the Fund has historically been between -20% and 95%.

Trading Advisor

Parus Finance, established in 2002, is an independent asset management company that operates globally and specialises in employing a long/short equity strategy. The portfolio management team owns a significant portion of AUM in the strategy. As a result, a focus is put on long term outcome with the objective to make money on each position independently be it long or short.

Key Persons

Fabrice Vecchioli
Chief Investment Officer and Co-Founder
Fabrice Vecchioli has been CIO of Parus Finance since 2001. Prior to co-founding Parus, Fabrice spent 10 years managing fixed income funds, four years for a Notz- Stucki/Comgest joint venture and 6 years for Finacor. Prior to this Fabrice worked for Finance Plus (now renamed UBS France) and Midland Bank (taken over by HSBC) as a proprietary trader of fixed income derivatives. Fabrice has a BS/MS from Ecole Polytechnique (France) and is a Certified Actuary.

Edouard Vecchiolio
Portfolio Manager and Co-Founder
Edouard Vecchioli has been a Portfolio Manager with Parus Finance since 2001. Prior to co-founding Parus, Edouard spent three years working for BNP Paribas in London as an emerging markets proprietary trader and two years at the Milan branch of Banque CA Indosuez as an FX trader. Edouard has an MSc in Finance and Management from the University of Paris-Dauphine.

Philippe Carrance
Portfolio Manager
Philippe Carrance has been a Portfolio Manager with Parus Finance since 2005. Prior to joining Parus, Philippe held equity sell-side roles with Kepler and Consors. Philippe also spent four years working as a financial analyst with Drexel Burnham/Elig, two years for Banque Louis Dreyfus in fixed income derivatives and five years managing a real estate holding company. Philippe has a BA from HEC and is certified by the SFAF (French CFA society).

Marc Chatin
Portfolio Manager
Marc Chatin joined Parus as a Portfolio Manager in 2012. Prior to joining Parus, he worked at several long-short equity funds including Edoma ($2.2bn peak AUM), Talaris ($1bn) and Gandhara ($3.5bn) either as a generalist analyst or as a portfolio manager focusing on the TMT sectors. Marc also spent four years working at Cisco in corporate business development and two years at Rothschild in M&A. Marc has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business and a BA from ESSEC.

Statistics & Commentary


The performance data shown represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. The investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost.

Trading Advisor's Commentary

as of 28/06/2024

Market Review and Outlook

The MSCI World was up +1.9% in June, a rise led by a few large caps stocks as momentum continued to outperform value. The limited participation of the broader market was quite stark this quarter with the market cap weighted S&P up +4%, whereas the equal cap weighted index was down -3%. For Parus, both the long and short book created alpha for the month and for the quarter. On the long side, performance largely came from a few growth stocks in the portfolio. Top contribution came from Nvidia following positive news flow from an industry conference and Adobe and Oracle with strong reactions to quarterly results. The short book contributed negatively but produced positive alpha.


The performance of Inris Parus (USD) was +2.33% in June. The Fund was at +10.3% YTD and +56.8% for 5 years.

At the end of June, the net exposure of the Fund was 63.2% of the NAV, with a long exposure of 84.8% and a short exposure of 21.6%. The gross exposure was 106.4% of the NAV.

Facts & Documents


Fund Domicile: Ireland


Fund Launch: 23 July 2013

Base Currency: USD

Depositary, Administrator, Transfert Agent: CACEIS Investor Services Ireland Limited

Dealing: Daily with a 2-day notice

Cut-off time: 11 A.M Irish Standard Time

Countries where the fund is registered:
Ireland, Luxembourg, Austria, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Switzerland, Singapore, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain

Sustainability-related disclosures:
The information related to the integration of sustainability risks and to the potential adverse sustainability impacts at the sub-fund level can be found in the prospectus of the Fund.


ISIN: IE00BCBHZ754   Ticker: RPARIE1 ID    Launch: 25 Jul 2013

ISIN: IE00BCBHZ978   Ticker: RPARIE2 ID    Launch: 25 Jul 2013

ISIN: IE00BCBHZC00   Ticker: RPARIU1 ID    Launch: 29 Sep 2015

ISIN: IE00BCBHZH54   Ticker: RPARIC1 ID    Launch: 29 Sep 2015

ISIN: IE00BCBHZF31   Ticker: RPARIG1 ID    Launch: 8 Dec 2015

ISIN: E00BCBHZD17   Ticker: RPARCU1 ID    Launch: 31 Jul 2013

ISIN: IE00BCBHZ861   Ticker: RPARCE1 ID    Launch: 17 Sep 2013


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